Relaunching My New Website, New Year Resolutions

For many years I wrote hundreds if not thousands of webpages, blogs, newsletters, social media posts, articles and press releases for my company and my clients but I never had time to write for myself. I read or heard recently not to create new year resolutions but new year goals. Actually – that’s not the word I was looking for but I did a Google search for what people are saying these days now that the year is ending and I couldn’t find it. That’s the beauty of a blog. I can write whatever I want. My new mentor Marty Katz believes in “visualization.” Write down the thing you desire. I am going to have a blog post about that and a podcast and a GOAL of creating websites for all of my domain names in the new year. So far so good… currently I revived and created Looking forward to a great new year. Yes there are still 17 days left in this one but that’s ok – who’s couting… or reading this anyway 🙂
